Creative Renaissance Miami Podcast

I believe that creativity is the pathway to happiness and peace for everyone. All of us have access to a Creative Voice that dreams of things unseen and pushes us to become the highest version of ourself, the self we came here to be. The problem is that there are other voices - the ones that speak of limitation and practicality. Those voices rush in to convince us of why our creative impulses will never work and why we're not good enough to follow them. Its easier to listen to those voices, after all it's what we're taught from an early age.
But then there are the pioneers. The ones that throughout history have bucked the trend and stubbornly and passionately followed their Creative Voice. In doing so, they literally created a new world around them. I'm talking about the Einsteins and the Teslas, the Jobs and the Shakespeares. I'm also talking about the countless others whose names we've never heard of. These are the people that inspire me and whose example I seek to follow - in my own way, of course.
Six years ago, I made a conscious commitment to myself to go "all in" on my creativity. Since then I've gone on an inward journey seeking to establish a deeper connection with my own Creative Voice. It hasn't been an easy one. The more ideas my Creative Voice threw my way, the more the other voices rushed in to urge me to abandon my "crazy dreams." But along the way I've discovered that those voices speak lies and as I let them go, a greater sense of peace and freedom filled the space they left behind.
Despite the challenges, or maybe even because of them, I am stronger and happier today than I ever have been and I am ready to take my inward journey outward and begin to engage with the world around me in a bigger way. There is still a part of me that is afraid to share myself fully - but I'm ready to confront that fear and "be me" out in the world. I take that step with great joy and faith. Faith that my Creative Voice will always guide the way.
I created this website as a place where I can share my creativity with anyone who cares to listen. Its my little corner of the worldwide web where I can share my authentic self. I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves. I invite you to take a look around and come back often. This website is a work in progress - just like me.
This year, I launched a new monthly podcast with friend and fellow creative, Paul Steinsland. Creative Renaissance Miami will journey through the creative heart of Miami, speaking to the creative pioneers who are creating new things in Miami and providing opportunities for others to explore their creativity. In our inaugural episode, we talk to the guys behind Villain Theater - a new company that is changing the improv comedy landscape in Miami.
Visit to listen to the podcast!
Learn more about Ivan R. Lopez, his cretive work and journey on his website at
Ivan R. Lopez is a Miami-born creative explorer. A theatre artist for over 15 years, Lopez is an Adjunct Professor of Theatre at Florida International University with an MFA in Acting from the National Theatre Conservatory and a BFA in Theatre from FIU. The co-founder of White Rose Miami, a professional theatre company, Lopez also shares his talent as part of the Big Apple Circus Professional Hospital Clown Program ‘Clown Care,’ performing weekly for children at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.